Friday, June 10, 2011


Spark by Carrie Katz 2011

I praise the spark
I ignite the spark
I cause it
I look out the window
I carry the spark
I touch the cool wall
Its strength can scare me
so I make a tentative approach
a gentle tap
I am the spark,
Solitary I reach out
There is a space between the idea and the intention
I call across the chasm
There is silence
Why don’t they come now?
Light up my life
The energy expands my center
My seeds are dwindling, dwindling
My seed are unfertilized, sterile
Only half of what’s needed and then they wash away
First they spiral then they dance.
Drop by drop,
they lie suspended.
My middle is expanding, my digestion is failing, my sleep is waning, my complexions is greening, my memory is fleeting and my Spark is waiting for my Love
I’m here, by the way. Come.
We’ll start with a tea, a walk,
Hold my hand, my fingers like dry kindling
I am ready like a light switch, ready for the light
I am ready, like a candlewick, ready for the flame
I am ready, like shore, accepting and expecting the waves
I am ready, like a pillow, a soft place to rest your head
I am ready, like my shoes, the right fit, the chance to transit
I am ready, like a book, to be opened and read
I am ready like Thahir Square, for spring, for dignity, for freedom
I am ready.
The human spirit leaves as we die
But it never dies
Esoteric mystic, geometric, generic
We are all portals
Each generation relinquishes the truth!
I love you, I always will, I always do, I love you now, like I loved you before, before time. I call you, and this whisper floats above the city, above the land, free.
You can be a witness, and I can be a dancer
You can be a swimmer and I can be the current
You can be the song and I can be the strings
You can be the cave and I can carry the spark
I am brave enough now, all I need to do is agree, take the chance,
be the person I am meant to be,
like feet across a carpeted room, the potential for a spark
Like an open window in the deep dark of winter’s night
You can be the breeze gentle against my curtain
Like my patience sitting on my kitchen chair, you can be my sustenance
I invite you to make a choice, and choose the light, and take the flight
And call me by my many names
This one, this life is all I have right now.
You may know more and I know less than before.
My love for you ,calls for you, across the space
that looks like an ocean
that feels like a time zone
that requires a faith that once the spark ignites
it can be kept, cuddled, harnessed, protected, enriched, enhanced, replenished, supported, praised, fed and rested.
That tiny spark needs to be nurtured, because without it
The fridge light would be burnt
and the toilette wouldn’t flush
and the shower wouldn’t cleanse our bodies, our souls
Love, I wait for you
Invoke you,
You just need to decide the timing is right
Right now.

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